一、属性 attributes
擅长位置 Prefer Position
(花式)技术等级 Skill Moves
擅长脚 Foot
逆足能力 Weak Foot
身高 Height
体重 Weight
年龄 Age
国籍 Nation
适应力 Adaptability
野心 Ambition
争论 Controversy
忠诚 Loyalty
抗压能力 Pressure
职业感 Professionalism
体育道德 Sportsmanship
气质 Temperament
稳定 Consistency
肮脏 Dirtiness
重要比赛 Important Matches
受伤倾向 Injury Proneness
多位置性 Versatility
体力 Condition
状态 Form
身体状况 Fitness
疲劳 Jadedness
竞技状态 Match Exercise
体质 Natural Fitness
二、技术 technical
传 pass
传中 crossing
弧线球 curve
短传 short pass
长传 long pass
任意球精度 free kick accuracy
直塞 through pass
一脚传球 one touch passing
假传 fake pass
大力手抛球 long throw
向前直传球的好处 the advantages of forward passes
安全球 safe pass
威胁球 risky pass
回传球 backward pass
向前长传 long forward pass
停 receive
第一脚触球 first touch
控 control
控球能力 ball control
运 dribble
运球 dribbling
推停拉球 push-stop-pull
拉球 ball roll
L型转身 L turn
射 shoot
终结能力 finishing
远射 long shot
点球 penalty
射门力量 shot power
凌空 volley
头球精度 heading accuracy
防守 tackle
拦截 interception
盯人 marking
铲球 slide tackle
正面拦截 stand tackle
封堵 block
守门员 goalkeeper
鱼跃 diving
手控球 hand control
开球 kicking
反应 reflex
速度 speed
站位 positioning
制空能力 Aerial Ability
拦截传中 Command of Area
指挥防守 Communication
激情 Eccentricity
一对一 One On Ones
出击 Rushing Out
击球倾向 Tendency to Punch
手抛球 Throwing
三、心理 mental
侵略性 aggression
反应 reaction
视野 vision
进攻跑位 attacking position
预判 anticipation
勇敢 bravery
镇静 composure
集中 concentration
创造力 creativity
决断 decision
决心 determination
才能 flair
影响 influence
无球跑 off the ball
位置感 positioning
团队合作 teamwork
工作投入 work rate
四、身体 physical
协调性 coordination
灵敏性 agility
平衡性 balance
加速 acceleration
冲刺速度 sprint speed
力量 strength
耐力 stamina
弹跳 jumping
体质 natural fitness
速度 pace
五、战术 tactical
阵型 formation
首发 line-ups
后场组织 build up
中场 midfield region
前场 frontier
边路 wide region/area
进攻三区 attacking third
高压 high pressure
高位 high line
低位 low line
高位防守 high defensive line
防守反击 counter attack
转换 transition
平行中场442 a flat 442
反抢 counter press
整体 team as a whole
快速赢回球权 win the ball quickly
高水平对手 elite opponent
进攻阶段 attacking phases
节约体力 conserve energy
处于劣势 on the backfoot
转会目标 transfer target
侧翼 flank
非卖品 off the table
二人组 duo
人数优势 numerical advantage
双核 double pivot
十号位 No. 10 position
战术犯规 tactical foul
后插上 late run
回追 track back
突然死亡法 sudden death
更衣室 locker room
奖杯 trophy
三冠王 triple title
掌声 applause
德比 derby
八强 last 8
11战10胜 10 win of 11 games
杀死比赛 kill the match
最佳球员 best player
射手王 best shooter
助攻王 best secondary
关键时刻 key moment
亚军奖牌 runner-up medal
比赛强度 game-like intensity
六、位置职责 position job
守门员 goalkeeper
中后卫 centre back
防线 block line
调整脚步 adjust feet
边后卫 full back
施压 apply pressure
后套 overlap
“内套” underlap
拉边 hold the width
防守区域 defensive zone
漏洞 gaping holes
压上 push high
回追 track back
后腰 defensive midfielder
前腰 attacking midfielder
观察 scan the pitch
回撤 move backward
摆脱 get rid of
制造传球路线 create passing option
控制节奏 control the rhythm
制造机会 create more chances
与前锋换位 fill up striker’s position
边锋 winger
实例 real life examples
有效的 effective
内插 inside run
内切 cut inside
转身 turn around
失位 out of the play
1对1 1v1 situation
选择最佳时机 choose the best time
要球 ask for a pass
避免越位陷阱 avoid being offside
破门得分机会 scoring chances
跑动创造传球机会 move around and create passing option
转移进攻到他这一侧 switch the play on his side
关键传球 a key pass
继续跑动 keep moving
抬头观察 raise eyes
把球拨向左侧 push ball on his left
提前做出决定 take an early decision
二过一配合 1-2passes
弧线球射远角 curve the ball to the far post
导致 result in
与边后卫保持密切联系 have a good link with fullback
拉开 move wide
倒三角传中 crossing outside the box
正确站位 position correctly
带走防守队员 pull your marker out
为边后卫创造空间 leave space for fullback
缓解压力 decrease the pressure
左右晃动 left and right feints
假射 fake shot
打开空间 open the way
被迫 was itforced to
补位 replace
速度 pace
过程中 in the process
边路 on the side
前锋 striker
中锋 center forward
伪九号 false nine
后撤 drop down
想得多 out-thinking
跑得快 out-pacing
弧线跑、绕弯跑 a curved run
传到防线身后 paly ball behind the defenses
寻找空隙 finding gasps
远离控球者 moving away from the ball carrier
视线 line of sight
停顿片刻即冲击前点 a late and quick run in front of the defender
视野盲区 blindside
钻到防守者身后 sneaking behind te defenders
寻找空间 find space
沟通 communication
挥动手臂指示传球位置 waving his arm and thetell him where to play the ball
绳梯练习 ladder exercise
1.跳房子 hopscotch
2.对角线+前后移动 diagonal forwards backwards
3.碎步向前+外伸脚 inside outside forwards
4.单脚进出+横穿 inside outside across
5.交叉步 crossover shuffle
6.从脚后进出 behind foot inside outside
7.从脚后进出+横穿 behind foot inside outside across
8.高阶跳房子 advanced hopscotch
9.交叉步 inside outside crossover
10.组合步 footwork combo
爆发力 explosive
1.深蹲跳 jump squats
2.箭步蹲跳 jump lunges
3.单腿侧向跳 lateral bounds
4.跳步高抬腿 a skips
5.单腿箭步蹲跳 reverse lunge knee drive
6.提膝跳 tuck jumps
7.高抬腿high knee
8.脚跟后跳 heel flicks
9.跪姿跳 kneeling jumps
10.小腿跳 calf jumps
膝盖力量练习 exercise for strong knee
1.靠墙静蹲 wall sits
2.箭步蹲 forwards lunges
3.侧步蹲 side lunges
4.反向箭步蹲 reverse lunges
5.控制坐 controlled sits
6.单腿深蹲 singele leg squats
7.单腿上台阶 step ups
8.罗马尼亚单腿硬拉 single leg Romanian deadlifts
9.臀桥 bridge
10.臀推 hip thrusts
加速 accelerate
1.3乘15米折返跑 (带球跑)three gates placed five steps apart
2.矩形变向跑(带球跑)a rectangle in the middle
3.T型变向跑(带球跑)T drill
减速 decelerate
1.跑、急停缓冲 run and sitck absorb
脚后跟着陆 back of foot stick
2.跑、弓箭步急停 run and drop into a lunge
3.加速、侧身急停、立稳、戳住、保持 sprint,laterally cut,plant,stick,hold
4.后退、弓箭步踏稳 back pedal,lunge stick hold
5.后退、侧身踏稳 back lateral pedal
脚呈T型 T step
6.用5米加速,5米内减速,弓箭步急停 five yards to accelerate,five yards to slow down,down into lunge
7.同上,3米内减速,双腿急停 jump stop
8.同上,转身急停 rotate to a stop
9.药球 medicine ball
敏捷性 agility
1.加速、急停、改变方向、迅速折返 sprint,cut,change direction,come right back
臀部和脚踝在同一角度 want the hip and ankle to be facing the same direction
肩膀不越过臀部 the shoulder is not going past the hip
身体向变向方向倾斜 body lean back in the direction
脚底内侧蹬地 cut on the inside of the foot
2.交叉步+变向 crossover step
3.后退踏步+向前跑 back pedal
4.侧滑步 shuffle
前侧脚打开 front side foot should open up
5.综合训练 combination
6.听信号变向跑(视觉、听觉)run into different direction by signal
球感 sense of ball
1.脚前掌轻踩球 toe taps
2.脚底轻摆动球 rocking sole
3.脚底拉球 sole rolls
4.脚内侧推拉球 inside push pull
5.脚背推拉球 laces push pull
6.油炸丸子 croquette
7.脚外侧扣球 outside cuts
8.单脚脚内侧+外侧 SL inside outside
9.双脚… inside outside
10.单脚V型拉扣球 SL V cuts
11.双脚… inside V cuts
12.双脚脚外侧… outside V cuts
13.双脚交替… alternative V cuts
14.L型拖+推+拉球 L grag sole roll
15.单脚L型拖球 SL L drags
16.L drag
17.单脚反转L型拖球 SL reverse L drag
18.reverse L drag
19.L drag reverse L drag
20.巴西式脚掌踩球 Brazilian toe taps
21.罗纳尔迪尼奥拉球 Ronaldinho roll
22.进阶… advanced…
23.脚底+脚内侧推球 sole inside push
24.U型 U’s
25.正方形 squares
26.三角形 triangles
27.脚内侧、脚背、脚外侧3点推球 3 point push
28.不触球跨步 no touch stepover
29.脚外侧触球跨步 outside touch stepover
30.脚内侧… nside touch stepover
31.脚底跨步 sole stepover
32.无限… infinity stepover
33.脚底拉+停球 roll stops
34.橡皮筋 elastics
35.脚背身后反转 reverse laces
36.克鲁伊夫转身 cruyffs
37.advanced cruyffs
39.脚内侧+脚底交替 inside inside roll roll
40.反转推拉 reverse push pull
42.双重跨球 double stepover touch
43.拉球+脚外侧挡球 outside roll snap
44.拉球+脚内侧… inside roll snap
45.交叉推拉球 alternate push pull
46.拉+拉+L 拖球 roll roll L drag
47.L 拉球+V 扣球 L drag V cut
48.Ronaldinho fake pss
49.Nyemar chop
50.隐藏推拉球 hidden push pull
脚内侧触球 inside touches
脚底触球 sole touches
起球 flick
1.拉球挑球 pull and lift
2.双脚磕球起球 pop up
3.双脚夹球起跳 two footed lift
4.脚外侧起球 side foot lift
5.沿小腿拉球 calf roll
6.插花脚 behind the leg
7.向回磕球 off back foot
8.向侧面磕球 Ronaldinho flick
9.彩虹起球 rainbow flick
颠球 juggle
右脚不落地颠球 right foot juggles
左脚… left…
左右脚交替… alternating juggles
大腿交替颠球 alternating thigh juggles
头颠球 head juggles
高低颠球 low-high juggles
脚内侧颠球 inside foot juggles
脚外侧颠球 outside foot juggles
胸部控制颠球 chest control juggles
脚内侧定向压球 inside directional touch
脚外侧定向压球 outside directional touch
垂直接球 vertical touch
花式颠球 juggling skills
1.起球 foot stall
2.腿绕球+弹球 hop the world
3.脚尖反弹球 toe bounce
4.交叉腿+脚尖反弹球 reverse toe bounce
5.双腿小腿夹球 leg catch
6.脚外侧反弹球 pancake
7.交叉腿+弹球 cross over
8.脚后跟+大腿后部夹球 thigh catch
9.转球 around the world
10.后颈停球 neck stall
11.胸+大腿夹球 chest and thigh catch
脚后跟颠球 heel juggle
交叉+脚背向地面弹球 the slap
头停球 head stall
无球跑位 run without theball
启动、急停、摆脱 start stop start
第一脚触球 first touch
1.脚内侧 inside foot
2.脚内侧推球 keep the ball on the move
3.后侧脚我back foot
4.脚外侧 outside foot
5.脚底 sole
1.触球转身 touch turn
2.后置脚扣球转身 behind the leg
3.假传+脚内侧接球 fake pass and touch
4.胸部停球 chest touch
5.过顶跳球 sombrero
蝎子摆尾 side scorpion
有利触球 weighted touch
接球转身 spin
无触球转身 no touch turn
反向停球 the kroos move
停高球 control the ball in the air
1.正脚背 top of foot
2.外脚背身后停球 left behind
3.脚内侧 inside of foot
4.脚底踩球 underside of foot
5.胸部停球 chest
6.胸部传球 chest pass
7.背部 back
8.头 head
9.大腿 thigh
10.脚外侧 outside of foot
运球 dribble
单腿内扣外拨 single leg weave
仅用脚外侧 outside foot only
单脚外侧+内侧各两次 two touch outside inside
油炸丸子 la croqueta
croqueta outside
脚内侧+外侧 inside outside
脚底拉球+停球 sole roll stop
脚前掌踩球向前 toe tap forwards
拉球+跨球 roll overstep
跨球+油炸丸子 overstep croquta
拉+推+推 inside pull push
outside pull push
外侧跨步 outside foot overstep
脚内侧+外侧+油炸丸子 Inside Outside 2 x Croqueta
脚外侧+向外跨球 Outside Outside Stepover
脚外侧+向内跨球 Outside Outside Inside Stepover
脚内侧+拉球 Inside Inside Roll
拉球+跨球 Roll Stepover
3种拉球变向 L Drag 2 x V Cut
转身 turn
1.脚内侧拨球转身 Inside Turn
2.外脚背拨球转身 Outside Turn
3.克鲁伊夫转身 Cruyff Turn
4.L型转身(先拉再拨) L Turn
5.V型转身(先拉再推)V Turn
6.反向油炸丸子 Reverse Croqueta
7.踩单车+转身 Stepover Turn
8.反向单车+转身 Reverse Stepover Turn
9.拉球+单车+转身 Roll Stepover Turn
10.拉球+克鲁伊夫转身 Roll Chop Turn
高速带球、带球转身、带球变向 dribbling at speed,turning with the ball,changes of direction
1.运球绕标志桶 cone weave
2.斜线运球 diagonal dribble
3.正方形运球 square dribble
4.正方形转身(转一圈)square turn
5.运球折返 shuffle
1对1 one on one
1.身体假动作 body feint
2.脚内侧+外侧 inside outside
3.假射 fake shot
4.油炸丸子 la croqueta
5.脚底拉球 sole roll
6.停+加速 stop start
7.外侧跨球 outside stepover
8.内侧跨球的inside stepover
9.马赛回旋 roulette
10.牛尾巴 elastico
11.麦吉迪转身 Mcgeady spin
12.hocus pocus
13.外跨+油炸丸子 stepover croqueta
14.拉球+停 rollover
花式过人技术 skill move
1.马赛回旋 marseille turn
2.脚后跟拖球 drag back by heel
3.假射 fake shot
4.内跨步 inside step over
5.侧面急转身 aside spinning
6.身体(虚晃)假动作 body feint
7.沉肩 shoulder drop
8.假扣+推球 Coutinho skill
9.脚后跟磕球 heel chop
10.油炸丸子 la crocetta
11.克鲁伊夫转身 Cruyff turn
博拉西挑球 bolasie flick
拉球+磕球 roll to heel
传球 pass
1.挑球 the lob
2.弧线球(脚内侧、外侧) curve
3.正脚背 top of foot
4.外脚背(不旋转) outside of foot
5.脚内侧 inside of foot
长传球 long pass
1.削球长传 the chopped long ball
2.驱动长传 the driven long ball
3.低空驱动长传 the low driven long ball
4.贴地脚背长传 the driven laced ball on the ground
5.脚指关节踢球(电梯球)knuckle ball
射门 shoot
1.助跑 run up
2.支撑脚立足 planting foot
3.踢球脚摆腿 backswing
4.触球部位 contact area
5.踢球脚前随 follow through
1.脚踝绷紧 lock your ankle
2.身体前倾 lean over the ball
3.有力的助跑take a more aggressive run-up
4.击球点中偏下 hit the center of the ball
5.训练时候模拟真实的比赛环境 practice with the game in mind
1.挑射 the lob
2.外脚背弧线 outside curve
3.大力射门 power shot
4.弧线球 curve shot
5.推射 inside of foot
6.搓射 chip
7.吊射 lofted shot
1.进入禁区 get inside the box
2.瞄准下角 aim low
3.尝试多射门、左右脚射门 shoot more often and with both feet
4.确保比赛强度的练习 make sure to practice with game-like intensity
1.反向射近角 reverse shots to the near post
2.单刀时,射门越过出击的守门员的腿 shoot over goalkeeper’s leg
3.利用传中球的速度 use the pace of the cross
4.大力射近角 the near post smash
5.补射 follow up shots
6.身体前倾过球后 lean over the ball
7.射门穿过后卫的裆下 shoot through defender’s legs
弧线球 curve ball
1.助跑 the run up
make sure you have enough angle on your run up
as you get better,you will discover your optimal run up
2.击球部位 the contact area
hit the ball with the inside area of your foot
keep your ankle locked and toe pointing slightly upwards
hit the lower half of the ball slightly on the outside
the movement starts from your hip
your non-kicking foot should point slightly off-target
3.跟随动作 the follow through
continue your follow through after your foot hits the ball
lean over the ball with your upper body
4.额外建议 extra tips
shoot against the wall
analyze pro players
film your free kicks
5.常见错误 common mistakes
倒挂金钩 bicycle kick
1.勇气 courage
2.踢球脚发力单腿起跳 drive off with your kicking foot
3.身体向后倾斜 lean back
4.打开身体向着传中球 open up your body towards the cross
5.借助手臂扭动身体 use your arm to twist your body
6.用支撑脚发力 use your none kicking leg to create energy
7.确保脚背踢球 make sure to strike the ball with your laces
8.腿和身体成对角线方向挥动 kick over yourself diagonally
9.弯曲的手臂来做缓冲 cushion the fall with a bent elbow
点球 penalty、shootout
1.观察守门员 watch the keeper
2.勺子射门 panenka
3.下角 bottom corner
4.上角 top corner
5.爆射中路 smash down the middle
常见错误 common mistake to avoid
1.没停好就射门 shooting off a poor touch
2.传球给被对手紧盯的队友 passing to someone under pressure
3.不去跑位接球 not moving to receive
4.盲目转身到防守队员身前 turning into defenders(turn the body to the side)
5.让球反弹 letting the ball bounce
6.没有根据风力做调整 failing to adjust for wind
守门员 goalkeeper
1.一脚、两脚出球热身 one touch-twi touch activation
2.4次凌空踢球 4 volleys,4次落地反弹球 4 drop kicks,4次踢地面球 4 ground
3.熟悉地面球 ground familiarity
4.移动+接凌空球 move + volleys
1.转身+接凌空球 pivot to volleys
2.斜角转身+手接球 angle pivot to handling
1.转身+鱼跃 pivot+dive
作者:绿茵追风 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv13264517 出处:bilibili